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"I’ve never enjoyed working out until Capstone! They have seriously made such a difference in my routine and I started to see results in 3 weeks! The trainers are amazing and guide you in how to get the most out of the workout- especially when you’re unsure of how to do a certain exercise. They teach you the proper way and stick with you until you get it down. Definitely recommend trying it out!"

-Colby T.

"Highly recommend all the trainers as they are all professional and great to work with!"

-John M.

"I travel with my husband for his poweline job. As a stay at home mom without childcare I was in search of a personal trainer and one that allowed my 3 year old to be there with me. I searched and instantly fell in love with Capstone and the trainers. Once I scheduled an appointment with Christina, she proudly showed us the gym and even got me started that day! Not only has she been beyond amazing with my daughter since beginning in November, but she’s become a friend and her husband Ben, along with trainer James, are always welcoming to the two of us. I cannot recommend Capstone Fitness more. You will feel at home while getting your butt kicked into shape! Stop in.... you won’t regret it."


"This review is long over due! I found capstone fitness on Facebook. I was surfing around on my friends Facebook pages and noticed that she tagged herself. At the time I was 6 weeks postpartum and frumpy.  I loved my baby, hated my body! So I checked out capstone fitnesses website and Facebook page. What I was looking for was a program that I could get results with. I did not want a program that wasted my time and money.  I needed someone who believed in the program they were teaching. Therefore, I did not want to join anywhere where the instructor was out of shape. I mean come on if they can't even look good in a swim suit, when it's their job to look good, what makes me think I will ever look good with their help?! The instructors at Capstone are in GREAT shape, check out their photos, heck check out Christina who won first place in a body building competition on her first attempt! Ummm yes PLEASE train me!!  So I joined, 6 weeks postpartum going 4 days a week to the 5am class. It was brutal, in a good way, but I was looking forward to getting up at 4:30 to go workout. That has NEVER been the case for me. I usually dread getting up early to workout, somehow now I crave working out at Capstone and it doesn't matter what time the class is!  I  have been going to Capstone for 5 months, the results are measurable! I feel great, baby weight is GONE, I am proud to say I look better than before I was pregnant.  The capstone team made me look and feel great, they taught me how to properly workout and eat. I am eternally grateful! I will say, I came in wanting and willing to make a change. I listened to all the trainers and changed my diet, I consistently push myself and they push me encouraging me to lift heavier weights, work harder.  If you truly want to change your life and you are willing to do the work, no cheating, then enroll. I can promise you that if you commit, you will enjoy your new body and life for that matter.  If you want a workout buddy to help push you then come workout with me at the 5:00ams!  See you there, I am not going anywhere!!"

-Heather G.

"Capstone is such an amazing boot camp. The trainers are all so nice and attentive to each and every one of us while we're working out. Workouts are always fun and new. Place is always clean and a welcoming smile every time you walk in, even when it is 6am! The equipment is amazing and workouts kick your butt!!!! Christina, Ben, and Jessica are my favorite and always answer any fitness and nutritional questions you have!!! I wouldn't go anywhere else!!!"

-Heather R.

"I love Capstone Fitness! The trainers care about your all over health. They will help with nutrition if you want it. I have been at Capstone for 6 months now and I love the atmosphere of every class I have been to. I have never been so excited to go to the gym each day! Thank you Christina, Ben and James!"

-Heather K.

"I have been going now for a month and I LOVE it. Ben and Christina are both great trainers. They are helpful when you have questions not only for working out, but also on the nutrition side as well. I would recommend Capstone Fitness to anyone looking to change your body and way of thinking. "

-Patti D.

"I started Boot camp in June, 2015. I am 58, & had been encouraged by Doctors for years to do some light weight training. I always hesitated. Like so many in my generation, I thought I was allergic to weights of any sort. But because of my osteo, & arthritis, I made a decision to stop with the excuses, get off the couch, & 'try boot camp'. I was hoping to hang out in the background, & just see what I could, or couldn't do. Much to my surprise I really liked it from the start. Christina encouraged me to just try the exercises without weights, & slowly work into them. That worked for me. I have found that Christina, Ben, & Jim are all extremely sensitive to each participants level of ability, & train us accordingly. I'm learning to simply modify the weights, steps, & work around my own ability. I believe the camaraderie, accountability, & family atmosphere at Capstone blend nicely to create a very positive environment. The participants in bootcamp, & kick boxing have varied levels of ability. We all work together. From beginners, to women that are training to compete in body building competition, which is extremely ambitious, & amazing to behold.
So for me the journey has been great! A lot of the old aches, & pains have disappeared. Neck & back pain particularly. I'm much stronger, feeling healthier, & It's good for me to try to keep up with these amazing women half my age. Thank you Capstone Team for the Inspiration, setting a positive example in so many ways, & unconditional support! "

-Connie V.

"I have always considered myself a fit and active person. Before having my children I was always that “skinny” person that didn’t have to try hard to maintain my weight. That was then. After having my second child I struggled to take the baby weight off. I went back to exercise routines that had worked for me in the past, but this time they just weren’t working the same and I wasn’t losing any weight! I tried other exercise programs but without the accountability of others, it was hard to stay motivated long term. Then I heard about Capstone’s morning small group boot camp class and decided to give it a try. From Day 1, it was intense (even for someone who has exercised their whole life). Ben is a great motivator and definitely pushes you as hard as you can go. The small class size is great and provides that friendly competition that keeps you pushing harder! Ben’s workouts are so varied that it’s impossible to get bored. Forget about hitting plateaus! As soon as you think you have mastered an exercise, Ben takes you to a whole new level of hard! I definitely recommend Capstone Fitness to anyone, regardless of fitness level. Thanks to Ben’s class, I am the strongest and fittest I have ever been, and my energy level has doubled. My husband and my kids thank you!"
-Priscilla S.

"I have been overweight most of my life.  I can't think of a time that fitness was a thought much less a priority.  I'm 42 and have had four boys by the age of 20.  I never had time to focus on me and now it's my time.  My first day I did an 8 minute test and I thought I would die.  Today, I can successfully make it through 30 minutes of training and 20-30 minutes of cardio.  I feel so good about myself and training with Ben at Capstone Fitness has been a huge part of that.  What is great is this is just the beginning of my story.  We're not finished yet!  Thank you so much for your help.  You guys are awesome."
-Tawny C.

"I have been going to Capstone Fitness and training with Ben for about 2 months now and I am extremely happy with my results.  I’ve lost inches in areas I never thought I could.  I have already lost about 15 lbs. and my goal is to lose 10 more.  Ben is doing an amazing job of getting me there.  This has become a life changing experience for me.  Never did I think I would look forward to my next workout, but I do.  Ben is incredible at what he does.  He cares about his clients and is patient with each of them, unlike some trainers.  Another amazing part is you are not in a gym packed with people and you don’t have to worry about others watching you.  If you want to get in shape, Capstone Fitness is the place to go."
–Gaysla R.

"I have been coming to Capstone Fitness since April and already my balance and strength have improved.  I have lost several inches and have the confidence that I will continue toning and strengthening my body.  Ben has tailored my workouts by making concessions for my health conditions yet he is still able to push me to my limits.  The workouts are always challenging and never boring.  I am thankful I was referred to Ben for my training and look forward to continuing my personal training sessions."
– Karen J.

"I met Ben 2 ½ years ago when he was training my fiancée.  I heard such wonderful things about him and decided to train with him myself to see if he could help resolve my medical issues with my knee.  I am thrilled to say that my knee condition as well as my overall strength, endurance and mobility have enormously improved.  I can do things now that I only dreamed of doing at the beginning.  His skill and competence as a trainer is unmatched by any in this valley and if I ever move away, I would want to take him with me. Thank you Ben!!!"
- Denise G.

"I have been on a weight loss journey since 2004 when I tipped the scales at almost 350 lbs.  I am grateful to say that I lost almost 200 lbs. through changing my lifestyle and hard work including exercise and training.  I was a member of a gym where Ben worked and observed him for many months.  When he opened his own facility I gave my husband a present of 16 sessions with Ben.  It wasn't long before I decided to work with Ben.  The past year had been very difficult for me.  I was struggling to maintain for the first time since losing and maintaining.  Some physical issues developed and I was fearful and discouraged.  Ben jumped right in with me and has given me an individualized program with great variety and with the goal of continuing to build my strength and balance.  As I am 68, these are vitally important elements on which to focus.  What I appreciate is the level of care and concern as well as his knowledge.  His positive attitude coupled with firmness and discipline was just what I needed.  I am not only losing weight but find the sessions accelerating.  This is something I plan to incorporate into my life for as long as possible.  It is probably the most important activity I have.  He understands senior issues.  He also provides great boot camps for adults of all ages.  If you are serious about living as actively as possible, please talk with Ben and see what Capstone Fitness can offer.  Well worth your efforts."
– Connie P.

"I started to train full time with Ben 2 years ago. During that time Ben has always been very professional and has always asked the right questions especially when it is time to work around minor injuries. Even if you do not understand at first there is a science behind every exercise and eventually you will see your body change.  I would recommend Ben to anybody that is serious about getting in shape."
– Richard J.


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